Awesome camp fire last night. Scouts providing the entertainment, heat from the fire, help from the parents and some excellent Smores to finish off.
Beavers – Green Tree week
Green Tree Week Our Beavers have been busy this week identifying different types of tree seeds. Learning about how important trees are for our environment and well being. Planting tree seeds, and much much more.
Explorers Bat Walk
24th September 2024 Cross County Explorers – Greenfield valley Bat Walk An evening spent with the awesome Greenfield Valley conservation team. Learning more about our local nature, specifically bats. Walking through the wooded valley, spotting and listening to the various…
New Squirrels Drey coming soon…
Help start our new Squirrels drey Our first meeting for Adult Volunteers helping to set up and run Squirrel Scouts at Treffynnon Cyntaf Scout Group will be 6pm Monday 23rd September at the Treffynnon Cyntaf Scout HQ by Tesco’s. Please…
Treffynnon Cyntaf (1st Holywell) Scout Group Welcomes you
Our new site is under construction (since Sept 2024), We hope to have it 90% complete by October 2024. Thank you for your patience. To find out more email